It’s not just a grill, this is the new hot place in Sofia – Skarra. With us you will find twice as delicious and quality food, prepared in no more than 3 minutes.
We are fast, aren’t we?
Here you will find already tried and new recipes with which we will pleasantly surprise you.
At Skarra, the meat is sorted out and selected by reliable Bulgarian producers, and our steak is made from first-class Irish Black Angus beef. We make our minced meat ourselves and rely only on quality meat. Our salads are always fresh and the toppings match perfectly, whatever you choose.
You have the opportunity to create your own menu, according to your taste and preferences, and we will prepare the food in front of you with our smart grill.
With Skarra we want to remind you, that delicious food can be quality and you don’t need to compromise with yourself.