The Timeout brand was created in California in 1992 by a group of young designers determined to offer a fashion line that meets the optimistic lifestyle and unique freedom of spirit in California.
From the very beginning, the goal is one: a positive and affordable brand, embodying the love for the life of the Californian, the desire to enjoy our free time.
All this is embedded in the name of the brand - Timeout, as well as in the motto Feel Alive - the time for rest that we all need, the breath of air to take and feel that life is a pleasure and every moment can give us make happy and be an occasion for celebration.
Each item in our collection is masterfully made with a single purpose - to become a favorite part of your wardrobe. The fabrics we use are mainly based on natural materials such as linen, cotton and wool. Whether it is a T-shirt, sweater, jeans or jacket - our attention to every detail is equally high.